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South Park s16e13 — пра Беларусь!

Прыемна: Беларусі прысвечаная цэлая серыя ў SP, а Расію яны ўзгадваюць у апошніх секундах: з'яўляецца Іісус у цішотцы Free Pussy Riot.

Прыемна: Беларусі прысвечаная цэлая серыя ў SP, а Расію яны ўзгадваюць у апошніх секундах: з’яўляецца Іісус у цішотцы Free Pussy Riot.

І няважна, што нас там выкарысталі: паказалі, што ЗША хутчэй будзе клапаціцца пра чужыя праблемы, чым вырашаць свае — гэта жорсткая праўда, усё вельмі ў іх стылі. Галоўнае тое, што не адна сотня чалавек гугліць зараз, што такое «Belarus» па ўсім свеце 🙂 Усё традыцыйна тонка! Дзякуй, Мэт Стоўн і Трэй Паркер, вашая серыя лепшая міжнародная інфармацыйная кампанія! 

Nice: the whole s16e13 of South Park is dedicated to Belarus, and Russia is mentioned in the last seconds: Jesus appears in a Free Pussy Riot t-shirt 🙂 And it doesn’t matter, that they just used our case to show that the U.S. is more likely to take care of other people’s problems than to solve their own — is a brutal truth, it’s so very much in their style. The most important thing is that hundreds of thousands of people around the world are googling now what «Belarus» is 🙂 Everything is traditionally sophisticated and subtle! Thank you, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, this episode is the best international awereness campaign! 😉

— … After I saw this farmers in Belarus!
— Farmers in where?!

Stan: There is farmers in Belarus who in a life and death struggle. That’s what should be important!
Jesus: Yeah! Instead of focusing on us, we need everyone focusing on what matters. Where is Bera-la-ra-rus?…
— Exactly! People don’t even know where it is!
— Maybe if we could get people care about it, then I can go and save it and people will stand for me again!
— How can we raise awareness?
— We need to get some bracelets.

— There are very troubling times and these farmers are liter
ally fighting for their lives. You know, I’m… I’m just here to do whatever I can…
— Jesus, some people might be thinking you are doing it for some kind of a publicity…<..>
— You know, I don’t even have time to think about it… This is the crisis and I’m here just to do whatever I can! I’ve talked to a government here, I talked to the farmers, and I think we are here just about worked out! <..> I believe, that people of BelArus need my help!

— I believe it’s BelarUs, Jesus…
— Yeah, it’s very well maybe if we don’t do something now!
Бел-чырвона-белы Ісус ня ведае, як правільна называецца нашая краіна. Я думаю, тут замяшаны сцёб над тым, як мы пастаянна папраўляем краіны, для якіх мы дагэтуль Белоруссія… 🙂 Зацаніце, дарэчы, пейзажык. Горы і касцёлы. Паблыталі з Польшчай?
Кавалкі пра Беларусь: раз, два

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